

词汇 mangled



本页中: mangled, mangle

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

mangled adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (crushed, twisted)砍碎的
niǎn suì de
niǔ qū de
mangled adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." figurative (words: pronounced badly) (因为发音不正)听不清的
tīng bù qīng de
nán dǒng de
mangled adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." figurative (tune, song: performed badly) (因为拙劣演奏)糟糕的,难听的
mangled adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." figurative (information: severely confused)困惑的
kùn huò de

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

mangle⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (crush, twist)压碎
yā suì
sī làn
mangle [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." figurative (tune, song: perform badly) (歌曲表演等)演砸
zāo tà
 We stopped inviting Bob to karaoke because he mangles every song.
mangle nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (clothes wringer)(旧时的)衣物轧干机
jiù shí de yī wù yà gān jī
niǎn yā jī
mangle⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (words: pronounce wrong)(因发音错误
yīn fā yīn cuò wù
yǎo zì bù qīng děng shǐ wú fǎ tīng dǒng
mangle [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." figurative (information, facts: confuse) (信息)使…有误,弄错,搞乱

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

mangle ['m[+ae][ng]gl] vt (=twist, crush) 压(壓)损(損) yāsǔn




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